Wednesday, December 07, 2005

Blessed Beyond Measure

I haven't done much blogging but today I just had to share my thoughts. Over the past 4 weeks or so I've been in constant battle spiritually; physically; and emotionally. Through this time God remained so true and faithful... the days I thought I couldn't bear it anymore He sent a friend with just the the right word or when I had to deal with it all alone God would give me a Word or a Song... there were days when like Elijah I wanted to run away and just hide in a cave.
Last December I had the awesome privilege of spending time in Israel... one of the most memorable parts of the trip was our drive to Masada, we saw the desert / wilderness where Jesus wandered around for 40 days all ALONE. I took such comfort this morning in that... He wandered and was completely alone doing "battle"... though I've felt alone at times through this wilderness period, I've never been alone... Jesus has been with me! He never allows us to go where He hasn't already been.
Today I'm reminded of all that I've been soooo incredibly blessed with. First and foremost my Salvation and my BEST fried ever Jesus Christ! My wonderful children and my husband who loves me in spite of all my shortcomings. My 8 amazing nieces, who have blessed me so much lately... Kyrstin with her sweet personality and kind words; Sherri with her silly way that makes her so much fun; Christy who will never know the extent of how much God has used her in my life over the past few months! My adorable little nephew Manny! My 3 sisters who have become best friends! My 2 sister n laws who I love so much! My 2 brothers who are great and wonderful! My awesome brother n law Louis who is away fighting to keep our country what it is! My great brother n law Steve who has been such a tremendous influence in my great sons lives! The Pastor and his wife who have come along side Alan and I to help us in our relationship! My church family who I don't know where I'd be today if it weren't for them! My Monday night prayer meeting with 5 of the most amazing ladies I've ever met!
I'm just in awe today of my great SAVIOR who has met my every need as well as blessed me so abundantly in so many ways and given me so many of the desires of my hear. Though the storm may rage and the battle may grow fierce... Jesus is on the throne and never asleep! He will NEVER leave me nor forsake me! Praise Him for all He is!


Blogger Kyrstin said...

Praise the Lord. Yep He will never leave or forsake you! You are an Amazing woman who has brought soo much love and kindness into my life! Your joy, smiles, giving me rides when i needed them, you HILARIOUSNESS (i think thats a word?..) and your encouragement are just SOME of the things that make you the special woman of God that you are! I love you sooo MUCH! I can't wait to see you this Saturday night at church!
PS Please keep my "boy problems" in prayer. I've been finding that i'm getting really depressed about this situation quite a bit. Well thanks and God Bless!
Love Ya always! hmmm...i just read Cheys blog comment...strange...i almost wrote the exact same thing as she did. Kinda awkward huh?

6:46 AM  
Blogger Debbie said...

Kyrstin...I'm not sure how to pray for boy problems! I'm not sure they ever stop! They just switch to man problems :)
Just keep God #1 and never date anyone who keeps God anywhere but #1 and your problems will be a lot less... love ya

6:36 AM  

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