Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Yay It's February

It is now February 1st! For me that is a glorious wonderful thing... it means I've survived and lived to tell about another January! For me January is the worst month of the year... it is long, dark, cold, and I dread it each year. I go from a morning person who can do a million things before 9:00 am to a depressed can't even get out of the chair lazy bum for practically the entire month! I need sunshine! I thrive on Sunshine... I grew up in Texas and California... then God with His wonderful sense of humor put me in Maine! I was fondly thinking of summer last night as I was falling asleep... remembering the lazy days of summer.... we bought a soft sided above ground 4' deep pool last summer and that is what I was most longing for last night... though it never quite stood up right and it was never very warm, Chris and I would spend endless hours just floating on blow up raft things and just talk! So when February comes I mentally say hey only 28 days of this and then we're looking ever closer to the beauty of spring! I love the little animals I get to see when spring comes! The groundhogs playing with each other, fox babies with mom, bunnies licking the salt off the road, moose everywhere... some days when I think I can't live here another day in this crazy place called Maine... God will show me stuff I can't see anywhere else.... like a little animal parade right on the Highway! Always makes me smile no matter what! So for me this is a special day...


Blogger Kyrstin said...

LOL :0 But Valentines day is this month! How can you NOT like Febuary?! j/p :p i dont like this time of the year either. Cold, wet, depressing, and BORING!!! But hey we can always just think....valentines day! chocolate! every normal girls fav. food! :)

9:44 AM  
Blogger Rachelle said...

January is definitely the slowest month of the year. Praise God it's over, and let's hope that though it was boring, that we used the time given wisely!

February is much better. Especially because of Valentine's Day... ;)

I am totally with you, Kyrstin. Chocolate is amazing.

11:01 AM  

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