Wednesday, May 24, 2006

A News Bit from Focus on the Family

Iran May Require Christians to Wear a Red Badge
from staff reports

Historians compare it to Nazi Germany.

Reports out of Iran indicate Christians, Jews and other religious minorities could be forced to wear colored identification badges as early as next year.

Christians could be forced to wear red; Jews, yellow.

Andy Hollinger, spokesman for the Holocaust Museum in Washington, D.C., called the parallels to Nazi Germany disturbing.

"It begins by removing a group of people from the civil life of a society," he said, "and dehumanizing them on many levels."

Dissident Ali Behroozian, an Iranian exile, told Family News in Focus that a recent speech by Iranian Ayatollah Ahmed Jenati illustrates the attitude behind the announcement.

"Human beings apart from Muslims are animals," Jenati said, "who roam the earth and engage in corruption."

H.B. London, a vice president at Focus on the Family, said it's time for the church to get involved.

"I always think of the church standing up for righteousness and holiness," he said, "and being the eyes and ears of Jesus Christ in a world that is in danger of losing its perspective


Anonymous Anonymous said...

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11:24 AM  
Blogger Rachelle said...


You can definitely tell that the end is near...

11:25 AM  

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