What is Blogging To You? Is Your Blog Hurting Someone Else?
As I read through blogs from time to time I see people writing things about others that may actually be quite hurtful. Sometimes names are with held, but not in such a way that it can't be figured out... sometimes names aren't with held which is NOT actually worse. Why? Because God knows the hearts of men... HE knows exactly who is being talked about and he doesn't excuse Gossip, he hates it! As you read this please don't think Hmmm is she talking about me! I'm not! This is just a general thought I've had lately and wanted to just give a point to ponder. Ask yourself: Are my blogs written in a way that people are uplifted? Does God's love shine through as people read this? Do my blogs represent Jesus Christ or just another hypocrite? We have a great opportunity to share Jesus with so many people via this mode of technology! Use it wisely... Pray before you type... If you need to vent do it in a private journal you write in... save your blogging space for giving God glory or good fun at no one's expense! Thanks to those of you who have blessed me a lot by using your blogs to express God's greatness! Have a wonderful day and think before you type... so no one gets hurt!
Yes Jake you found me out... it's you the Gossip Blogger! LOL! Just kidding of course! No one in particular... just saying use the tools well! I like your word Computeresque cool... Have a great day! Tell your mom Hi for me! She's Awesome...
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