Jerusalem Here I Come :)
Anyone who knows me knows one thing about me I LOVE JERUSALEM!!! I love everything about that city... the people, the smells, the sites, the sky, EVERYTHING! Well cool thing happened, after our trip to Israel in 2004 / 2005 we talked about how we would all like to go back in 2007 as a prayer journey of sorts... so anyways during our missions conference a couple weeks ago at church I was troubled by the fact I really wasn't "moved" per se by the slide shows or stories about people that are poor or needy... so this I gave to God I said Lord why am I so hardened toward this, it seems wrong to not feel something by all this... He so clearly spoke to my heart and said "your heart is in Jerusalem, that's your mission trip." Then Pastor Scott led us in a song that I wish I knew who wrote it or how to get a copy... it says something like "Jesus, the most beautiful name that I know.... not sure of all of it but I was so touched I couldn't sing or anything I just wept. God freed me at that moment to be Debbie and to move in the places designed for me, my calling is different and that's okay! Much freedom in knowing that! Well anyways the point to this is our Israel trip is now being called a missions trip! My heart's desire to share the gospel with a Jew and to live on a Kibbutz are going to happen! The trip entails one week of touring, then a week of prayer and evangelism and one night on a Kibbutz!!! I'm thrilled to serve such an amazing GOD!!!! I love you Lord Jesus and I thank you for all you are... Master, Savior, Lord, Daddy, Friend, Father, Defender, Healer, Lover of My Soul, Bright Morning Star! I thank you Lord for the desires of my heart... not my own desires but the ones you put in my heart... You are an amazing God! Be blessed today anyone who reads this and I encourage you to believe God today for more than you ever have before... regardless of ANY situation or circumstance you may be facing... believe HIM for something really BIG!!! As I write this I'm in one of the hardest spirtitual battles I've ever faced... it's spirtitual physical and absolutely wearisome... but in this I've been given two choices: QUIT or Press on harder than ever and surrender every part of me to His Truth! So I urge anyone who stumbles on this Press in Hard... the reward and victory are just around the corner... don't miss your miracle! DREAM BIG DREAMS.... GOD IS BIGGER THAN ANYTHING!
Adam you may never know how much God just used you. At this very moment I was sinking back into the feelings of hoplessness that Satan has been trying to plague me with. Thanks so much for reminding me of what God is doing... God bless you too.
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