Taking a Walk....
This morning I took a walk around my yard and was noticing everything is still brown and the sky was grey and things just didn't look so pretty outside. Except one area of my yard, it was bright green grass and so alluring, I found it really funny it was the area right above my septic tank! As I was praying I felt the Lord give me a little analogy... that's just what Satan does... see he shows us the beautiful things and promises us so much and then when we cross over and go where he is leading underneath is poop! However the area opposite my septic tank is brown and ugly right now... but yet in a few months that area will have blooming potatoes! It may not look as nice right now but it is being made into something beautiful and it will potentially sustain and nourish... so I thought hmmm poop or potatoes! I think I'll pick potatoes... Don't fall for the lures and pulls of how much better things will be if only... Even if things are brown and bleak right now, life will come shortly! I'll close for now, for lunch I'm having a fully loaded baked potato!