Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Having Favorites Isn't Wrong Just How We Handle IT

I don't think it's wrong to have favorites... favorite people even. There are people I enjoy more than others, people who are more talented than others, people who are more fun than others, people whose personalities I have more of a connection with tend to be my favorites! Were you ever "teacher's pet" might have felt good for you but think of the kids who weren't! What is there self esteem like now?
Even Jesus had favorites to some degree... He called David the "apple of His eye"; He called Abraham "His friend"; He loved John in a singled out way; He wept over Lazarus.... yet He made the woman at the well feel amazing too! He made the lepers feel wonderful! He defended and upheld the adulteress! I bet no one ever knew Jesus had "favorites"! Because He loved all... that's what He told us to do! He doesn't care how good you sing, He doesn't care about all the talents you have, if you don't love people... you've missed the point of this whole journey! God can do the miracles... He's asked us to give the hugs, hold the door open, hang out with a "nerd", laugh at a dumb joke, visit a shut-in! He's asked us to Love! So go ahead and have those you enjoy more than others... but be so careful that those you don't enjoy to much never sense it!
The Lord has been really dealing with me on these things regarding Love! I've been pondering and meditating on 1 Corinthians 13 for about a week now... so often in this walk we seek the great spirtual gifts and yet if we attain all these great gifts and don't love the lowly, smelly, unlovable people... we have nothing! It's so hard, yet so simple! God help me to love those you put in my life... regardless of what they are doing, saying, or how hard it may be! You loved me enough to die for me not after I got "saved" but while I was dirty and full of sin! Thank you Jesus for that gift!
So be careful that only you know who your favorites are... others can really be hurt if you aren't. When someone who is one of my "favorites" comes to me with sadness and tears because she / he was made to feel like nothing by someone who is in a position to help build her / him up this bothers me! I'd rather not see that again... so please be careful...
This may seem like an odd post but I hope it helps at least one very special person...


Blogger God Is Love said...

:) Thanks Debbie. I needed to hear that. I love you! God Bless!

Love Ya! :)

3:23 PM  
Blogger Brown-eyed Girl said...

You know I am your favoritest Debbie...no denying it!!! haha!

11:39 AM  
Blogger Debbie said...

Rita you found me out! You are my favorite. Actually in a lot of ways you are no joking! I love you! Sherri you are a great blessing to me.

7:40 PM  

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