Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Taking a Walk....

This morning I took a walk around my yard and was noticing everything is still brown and the sky was grey and things just didn't look so pretty outside. Except one area of my yard, it was bright green grass and so alluring, I found it really funny it was the area right above my septic tank! As I was praying I felt the Lord give me a little analogy... that's just what Satan does... see he shows us the beautiful things and promises us so much and then when we cross over and go where he is leading underneath is poop! However the area opposite my septic tank is brown and ugly right now... but yet in a few months that area will have blooming potatoes! It may not look as nice right now but it is being made into something beautiful and it will potentially sustain and nourish... so I thought hmmm poop or potatoes! I think I'll pick potatoes... Don't fall for the lures and pulls of how much better things will be if only... Even if things are brown and bleak right now, life will come shortly! I'll close for now, for lunch I'm having a fully loaded baked potato!

Sunday, April 16, 2006

Just Some Thoughts & Happy Easter

This past week the Lord has really used my youngest son Chris to teach me some things. For about a week it seemed Chris was only coming to me for things he needed... What's for dinner? Don't forget we have to leave in 10 minutes. Don't forget my shorts for track practice... hmmm... that was such a hard week for me in the sense of Chris is my son who talks to me about everything constantly! We like each others company and generally spend time together.... well by day 5 I was really quite sad, I thought Lord what is up with this? Chris isn't speaking to me, he's home with me but in his room all the time and not spending any time with me.... Well the Lord used this to teach me something... Chris went outside and I followed him, I sat on the porch and tried to make small talk while he skateboarded, I got grunts periodically and not much more. Then he got his bike and started to do laps in the driveway, I got mine and did the same... after a few laps around the driveway Chris and I were talking like we hadn't in days and the closeness was back.... what God showed me is how I've been with Him lately. Sure I pray for the stuff I need and the stuff others need... but have I spent the day just enjoying Him, loving Him, and just being with Him? But oh His love for me... He followed me and pursued me in love just as I did Chris... He didn't beg or force things... and neither did I. Thank you Jesus for your sweet reminders.... Thank you Jesus for Easter.... Happy Easter to all who may read this... Spend time with Him today, not begging for stuff or wanting things... He knows what you NEED, He just wants to enjoy you... He made you for His pleasure.... so sing to Him, dance before Him, Praise Him, Talk with Him! He loves that....