"Be Still and Know That I Am God"
Lately life seems really different like something amazing is in the works... yet sometimes it's a bit overwhelming and fear creeps in. Church service was awesome last night... spoke heavily on the importance of seeking God to know Him not to use Him for your personal gain or need... but to seek to know HIM to Seek His face... to be in relationship with Him. For the last 3 or so months seems everytime I question any of what is going on or get in that wrong mindset... I cry out to God and every single time lately I get the same response "Be still and know I am God." That is soooo hard for me... I like to be involved and help the situation out! I like to know the end result... I am never still!
All my life I've heard the saying "Don't worry about the destination, it's all about the journey." Last weekend I heard a whole new look on that and it has made that verse make so much sense to me for the things going on in my life right now. Here is what was said "There is no guarentee the journey will be easy or safe but you can be sure of your destination." God makes everything so different.
God is showing me bit by bit He wants me to be basically a shell... He wants my life! He wants to be able to use me however He needs to wherever He wants to. And as long as I am still alive in the flesh He can't. But He is patient and gracious with me... and slowly but surely I'm coming around! I do want to know Him more... I love His presence it's so amazing... I don't want to only be in it sometimes... I want the kind of life Enoch had... He walked with God... oh the peace he must have known... oh the joy he must have known. I've lately had a taste of that....I'm ready for much more! I know I'm rambling but I'm not forcing anyone to read this... so I guess I'm allowed to ramble. I've been saved since October 30, 1999, and I must say last night while I was praying before the church service, this amazing warmth overtook me.... I realized in my heart and head that I was actually having a conversation with Almighty God, He was listening to me, He was communicating with me, HE was right there beside me and in me, I was overwhelmed by that... I don't think I had ever realized that before... Prayer is so powerful!
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