Wednesday, May 31, 2006

My Red Eared Slider Turtle Noah

Okay this may be a very odd blog but I'm posting it for two reasons! First to anyone who knows me and reads this please pray for my turtle Noah... he's been part of my family for 10 years and over the last 3 days he's not been himself he isn't eating or swimming the way he normally does. Second reason for this blog is if someone who knows anything about turtles stumbles across this please help! I live in Maine in the middle of nowhere and there are no reptile vets within a couple hundred miles! I don't dare to pack up a sick turtle and drive that distance... any advice or suggestions would be soooo appreciated! Thanks!

Tuesday, May 30, 2006

An Amazing Story

This is a story from Josh McDowell's Devotional:

It’s a Wonderful Life
Bible Reading: Matthew 10:28-31 “Never be afraid, then--you are far more valuable than sparrows” (Matthew 10:31, Phillips).

A show on The Learning Channel told the true story of a truck driver, traveling alone on the interstate highway one night, listening to his citizen’s band (CB) radio.
Suddenly a call came over the radio that sent a chill through the truck driver. “Help me,” the caller said. “I’m on Route 23 not too far north of the interstate and have just had an accident. Someone please help me.”
The truck driver turned off the interstate and followed Route 23, deciding to answer the desperate call even though his detour would certainly make him late. As he drove slowly along Route 23, he noticed some headlights in the ditch at the side of the road. He stopped his rig and ran to the scene of the accident. No other traffic had passed; he was apparently the first to get to the scene. The man in the car looked pretty bad; he was covered with blood. The trucker searched in the man’s car for the CB he had used to issue his plea for help. But though he looked high and low, he could find no radio.
He ran back to his truck and called for emergency help, which arrived soon afterward. The accident victim was taken to a nearby hospital, and the trucker was told that his chances of recovering were good.
The trucker was soon on the interstate again, happy that he had helped; he understood that if he hadn't responded to the radio call for help, the man might have died. Still, he puzzled over the absence of a CB in the man’s car. How had he called for help? he wondered. He couldn’t explain the incident, but he knew it would be forever etched on his memory.
Years later, that same truck driver went on a fishing trip with some friends. While on the trip, however, he had a heart attack. One of his companions, thinking quickly, remembered that a nearby resident had her father visiting, who was some kind of doctor. They carried the unconscious trucker to the house. The doctor worked skillfully to save the trucker’s life, and soon the man opened his eyes--and saw the face of an accident victim whose life he had helped save years before. The trucker, who had gone out of his way to save a stranger’s life, had unknowingly saved his own.

Wednesday, May 24, 2006

A News Bit from Focus on the Family

Iran May Require Christians to Wear a Red Badge
from staff reports

Historians compare it to Nazi Germany.

Reports out of Iran indicate Christians, Jews and other religious minorities could be forced to wear colored identification badges as early as next year.

Christians could be forced to wear red; Jews, yellow.

Andy Hollinger, spokesman for the Holocaust Museum in Washington, D.C., called the parallels to Nazi Germany disturbing.

"It begins by removing a group of people from the civil life of a society," he said, "and dehumanizing them on many levels."

Dissident Ali Behroozian, an Iranian exile, told Family News in Focus that a recent speech by Iranian Ayatollah Ahmed Jenati illustrates the attitude behind the announcement.

"Human beings apart from Muslims are animals," Jenati said, "who roam the earth and engage in corruption."

H.B. London, a vice president at Focus on the Family, said it's time for the church to get involved.

"I always think of the church standing up for righteousness and holiness," he said, "and being the eyes and ears of Jesus Christ in a world that is in danger of losing its perspective

Thursday, May 18, 2006

What is Blogging To You? Is Your Blog Hurting Someone Else?

As I read through blogs from time to time I see people writing things about others that may actually be quite hurtful. Sometimes names are with held, but not in such a way that it can't be figured out... sometimes names aren't with held which is NOT actually worse. Why? Because God knows the hearts of men... HE knows exactly who is being talked about and he doesn't excuse Gossip, he hates it! As you read this please don't think Hmmm is she talking about me! I'm not! This is just a general thought I've had lately and wanted to just give a point to ponder. Ask yourself: Are my blogs written in a way that people are uplifted? Does God's love shine through as people read this? Do my blogs represent Jesus Christ or just another hypocrite? We have a great opportunity to share Jesus with so many people via this mode of technology! Use it wisely... Pray before you type... If you need to vent do it in a private journal you write in... save your blogging space for giving God glory or good fun at no one's expense! Thanks to those of you who have blessed me a lot by using your blogs to express God's greatness! Have a wonderful day and think before you type... so no one gets hurt!

Wednesday, May 10, 2006

When I Get to Heaven I'm Gonna Have a Beautiful Singing Voice!

I love music! I have so many CD's it's frightening... kind of my little obsession I guess! My favorite kind of music is Worship music with a bit of an edge... Jeremy Camp, Jeff Deyo, and of course the best ever Todd Agnew... Well yesterday while I was passing some time with my son before a meeting I had, I found a CD that caught my eye... it had a man jamming with an electric guitar and it's title Rock of Ages Hymns to a Classic Rock beat! 9.99 for 3 CD's I thought hmmm either a great deal or pretty cheesy sounding music! I'd have to say a bit of both rang true! The classic rock beat is like that of 80's rock... quite funny to me... Kind of an odd memory of my mom yelling lower that music and at the same time her songs playing! This is an odd blog I'm sure... but I really do get so excited over a great new song or CD! Some days when it's hard to get into prayer and the Word because life's gotten tough or I didn't get enough sleep or whatever music so totally ministers to me. I wish I could sing beautifully... unfortunately I only sound great in the car with the music cranked up really loud or in the shower! So sometimes when I dream of Heaven I imagine how beautifully I'll sing... and I'll be in a band with such people as David and Asaph! HMMMM that'll be very cool! Keith Green, Rich Mullins... I'm liking this! But for now I'll keep singing no matter how badly I may sound or how many dogs howl... I love to sing to my Jesus! And I know He smiles when I do! Have a fun day! Go do something nice for someone... Smile at everyone you see today!

Sunday, May 07, 2006

We Call Them Issues....

It's been a really interesting week with the Lord! I've been really seeking Him for answers to some things that have been going on in my life over the past few months... but was I really ready for HIS answer???? All week He's been bringing "issues" of my heart to mind... that's what I called them until last night at church. These "little things" we call issues... God calls them Hidden Sin! If we don't deal with them... they will kill us! For several months it's seemed I take one step forward 2 back in my walk... It's been so difficult to get into His presence like I used to... I spent months blaming the devil and others... all the while ignoring my own heart! I haven't been involved in what we term the "big sins"... but somewhere along the way I've let down my guard and allowed the cancerous "little sins" in. I haven't fled when gossip abounds; I haven't put others above myself; I've had a judgemental attitude; I haven't totally forgiven those whove hurt me... are these "little issues" any less offensive to God than homosexuality, adultry, etc? NO... The things named in Proverbs 6:16 - 19 are the things God says He HATES and "the big sins" aren't what He names. Last night I dealt with these issues... and I feel 10 pounds lighter! We need to pray daily... Lord search me and if there be any evil in me....! There is no place on earth better than in His presence, I've missed that soooooooooooo much! I'll end this with lyrics to a Steve Green song:
Guard Your Heart

Oh, be careful little eyes what you see
Oh, be careful little eyes what you see
For the Father up above
Is looking down in love
Oh, be careful little eyes what you see

What appears to be harmless glance?
Can turn to romance
And homes are divided
Feelings that should never have been
Awakened within
Tearing the heart in two
Listen, I beg of you

Guard your Heart
Guard your Heart
Don’t trade it for treasure
Don’t give it away

Guard your Heart
Guard your Heart
As a payment for pleasure
It’s high price to pay

For a soul that remains sincere with conscience clear
Guard your Heart

The human heart is easily swayed
And often betrayed at the hand of emotion
You dare not leave the outcome to chance
You must choose in advance
Or live with the agony
Such needless tragedy

Guard your Heart
Guard your Heart
Don’t trade it for treasure
Don’t give it away

Guard your Heart
Guard your Heart
As a payment for pleasure
It’s high price to pay

Guard your Heart
Guard your Heart
Don’t trade it for treasure
Don’t give it away

Guard your Heart
Guard your Heart
As a payment for pleasure
It’s high price to pay

For a soul that remains sincere with conscience clear
Guard your Heart

For a soul that remains sincere with conscience clear
Guard your Heart