"He must increase, but I must decrease"
This song pretty much sums up the prayer of my life!
Jeremy Camp "Empty Me"
Holy fire burn away
My desire for anything
That is not of you and is of me
I want more of you
And less of me
Empty me, empty me, fill me
With you, with you
I want so badly to be more consistent in my prayer life and in my passion for Jesus... I get so lazy and my prayers are so dull at times. I can't figure out why I allow that to happen. I've been in the Presence of the Almighty and it's like nothing words can explain... yet still I get caught up in me and sacrifice being in that place. When I'm living for me more than Him, I'm grouchy and a fruitless witness.... but when He is allowed the place in my life He so rightly deserves life is amazing... miracles happen, lives are changed, and there's a peace in my little world that truly does "surpass all my understanding." Every morning I start my day with prayer and the Word, I end each day the same way.... but somehow I know more is necessary to really meet with Him... more than routine. I must die to self and be broken before Him then He can live through me, I guess I have to get to the place where I realize this must happen daily!